Òran an Rìbhinn: The Venusian Song
Practitioner Directory
A Heart-Centered Shamanic Healing School with Liv Mokai Wheeler
We are deeply honored and delighted to share with you some of the beautiful souls and Shamanic Practitioners who have completed their training within the Òran an Rìbhinn: The Venusian Song Certification Program as a part of the Earth's Amulet Heart-Centered Shamanic Healing School.
These practitioners have fulfilled all certification requirements toward the title of A Shamanic Practitioner, as endorsed by Liv Mokai Wheeler and Earth’s Amulet, working with Spirit and ancient medicine of the feminine within the framework of sacred care and attunement to life. As you will find below, they are also sharing beautiful, spirit-woven healing sessions and other offerings with community at this time!
We lovingly share this directory with you so that you may have an opportunity to connect with them if you so feel called. Below you will find the practitioners, brief descriptions of their offerings, and more information with regards to getting in touch with them.
This directory shall grow and evolve as students from both sessions of Òran an Rìbhinn: The Venusian Song Certification Program complete their certifications, and as their offerings evolve as well. As such, please feel free to check this page periodically for updates.
May this be supportive to your journey. Slàinte mhòr!
Cheyenne Marie Wright
Astrology for Embodied Soul Expression, Soul Midwife Sessions + 1:1 Soul Activation Retreats in the Sacred Valley of Peru
Lindsay Harrington
Heart-Centered Dreaming space Circles, Energy + Soul Healing sessions, Yoga
The Dreaming Space: To Honor Creation
A monthly Heart-Centered Women's Circle to Plant & Nourish our Dreams together. Uniting our Hearts to Dream a New Earth into Being ($33 USD)
Energy Healing with the Flower Spirits & Angelics
1:1 Intuitive, Spirit-Led Energy Healing Sessions with Flower Spirit Medicine and the Angelic Realm ($130 USD)
Soul Journeys
A heart-led guided journey and spiritual exploration to support you in reconnecting to, and remembering your unique Soul Essence and receive intuitive guidance and healing ($111 USD)
Yoga: 1:1 Yoga Sessions
Hatha Yoga (Asana, Pranayama & Meditation, Yin Yoga or Yoga Nidra (restorative and healing guided meditation practice) ($75 USD)
Sylvie Zacrep
Rune Divination, Gaelic Song Circle
Rune Divination Session
Rune Divination Sessions are a 1:1 ceremonial space where you can sit at the altar of the Otherworld so as to hear from Spirit with regards to specific questions that you may have for the spiritual realms at this time. I work with the Elder Futhark, a runic system of divination gifted to humanity from the mighty Odin and the venerable Norns. To me, they are a family of stars who come together to offer a noble, magickal language for communing with the spiritual realms, a majestic and highly advanced language of Spirit. Whilst reading the runes, it is common that I am working closely with the Fey, Tuatha Dé Danann, Freya, Odin, Elves and Wee Folk, Nature Spirits and Elements, and the Runes themselves. I experience each throw of the runes to be quite intricate, and precisely unique to each soul, each message, and each constellation-like story that is being told. In this, we can usually tune into the rune-story of two to three questions you may have. The connection happens through the Zoom Video, and the sessions are about 90 minutes in length. After the divination, you will receive a recording of the session. You can find more details about these sessions here. ($111 USD)
Gaelic Song Circle
I offer a ceremonial, monthly Gaelic Song Circle in communion with and devotion to the Fey and Wee Folk, the Ancestors, and the Oran Mór. Each month, I follow the stream of Mystery and Spirit and the Heart so as to tune into a song and/or intention that could be spiritually important and poignant to share and steep in during our next circle. I usually will share songs in Scottish Gaelic, and during each circle we can learn one to two songs. With honor and respect for the sacred stream of this tradition, I also share a wee bit about the histories and stories of the songs themselves as they exist within the vibrant tapestry of the stream. You do not need to have any Gaelic or need to have any formal experience with singing in order to attend this circle. Each circle will be 180 minutes in length and we will gather as a group via Zoom video. Afterwards, I will send a recording of the class, an audio recording of the song itself, and a written file with Gaelic lyrics + additional resources. It is my sincere hope that you’ll feel inspired and confident enough to keep practicing, singing, and weaving the songs into your lives. You can find more details about these circles here. (Suggested Donation of $22 to $44 USD))
Natalie Zacharias
Divination, Ancestral Healing, Energy Clearing
I work with a collection of stones, crystals, shells, fossils, volcanic rock and seeds to connect with my guides, Higher Self and ancestors in order to receive guidance for your specific questions. The ritual is 90 minutes long, you will have the opportunity to ask 1-2 questions. We will meet over Zoom and I’ll record the session for you to access later on. If you would like to learn more, please feel free to visit my website and under Offerings, you will find the Stone Divination page. ($111 USD + processing fee)
Ancestral Support Ritual
There are two calls included in this, the first one is for you and I to connect and get a clear picture of which ancestors we will be supporting and answer any questions you may have about the ritual itself. This call is 45 minutes long and gives us plenty of time to prepare for the Ancestral Support Ritual. The second call will be the ritual itself which can last about 2-3 hours long. I invite you to give yourself enough time before and after the call, both to prepare and to integrate the healing. As for the ritual itself, we will be working with a specific female ancestor of one of your lineages to act as a guide for all the other ancestors who are ready and wanting to fully transition. We will also be working with a specific bird to help guide the ancestors home. We will talk about this more in depth during our Prep call. The ritual itself is a big ritual that will need a lot of offerings. If you’d like to learn more about the ritual, please feel free to visit my website and under Offerings, you will find the Ancestral Support Ritual page. ($222 USD + processing fee)
The Emotion Code & Negative Belief Clearings
The Emotion Code is an energy clearing modality that focuses on connecting with the subconscious and releasing any “trapped emotions” that are connected to whatever we are focusing on for the clearing itself. These sessions are done over the phone by proxy, meaning I ask for permission to connect with your energy field and use my physical body as a proxy for yours. During the session you will be in a meditative state, utilizing your awareness to notice what comes up for you during the session itself. I write notes for each session and email them to you afterwards so you can see what was clearing during the session itself. Negative Belief Clearings are only available as an add-on to The Emotion Code sessions. When we clear a Negative Belief, I then ask for a Positive Mantra for you to work with that will be prescribed after we clear the specific negative belief. This is a beautiful way for you to engage with your own healing process. If you would like to learn more about The Emotion Code or Negative Belief clearings, please feel free to visit my website and under Offerings, you will find those pages. (The Emotion Code: Sliding Scale $57-80 USD; Negative Belief Clearing, an add-on to EC sessions, $55 USD)
Kyoko Kato
Ancestral Healing
Ancestral Healing Ritual
I offer Ancestral Healing Rituals via Zoom, and in person for people living in the Portland, Oregon area. This ceremony will take about 3 hours. We will connect with our spirit guides and ancestors and will dive into healing together! More info is on my website. Please visit the site or simply contact me. I am happy to answer questions. ($222 USD, *I have a discount plan for the first ten people)
Zohie Castellan0
Ancestral Healing Ritual
Soul Tending on The Sacred Flight
When grief isn’t allowed to flow and tears are dammed, when souls pass through the grave still attached to our Earth realm, it creates blocks in the Tree of Life. I offer Ancestor Healing Rituals supported by the Winged Ones to nourish your roots and restore healthy connection with your ancestors. Sharing a well and strong ancestral relationship anchored in genuine reciprocity is a natural and fundamental part of the human experience, and largely missing from many lives. I bow with deep reverence to Liv Mokai Wheeler and the Kontomblé for receiving these sacred tools. I am honoured to support others restore harmony within their family lines and tend to the wings of their souls flight home. ($222 AUD)
Dorothee Sophie Royal
Acorn Divination
Acorn Divination
Nature-led divination for mothers, children and families. I work with Mother Nature, the Fae, ancestors and tree spirits to connect with guidance for restoring harmony, cultivating beauty and stoking inspiration. Each session is 75-minutes long and you will have the opportunity to ask 1-2 questions and receive a recording. ($127 USD)
Jenny Dunham
Soul Retrieval, Ancestral Healing, Clearing, Divination
Soul Essence Session
Soul essence sessions are an opportunity to connect in ceremonial heart space with Spirit. We will be in flow with Spirit and the elements of what is most wanting to be acknowledged, expressed, nurtured and healed in this moment by clearing your energy field, reconnecting you with your soul, retrieving one to two fractured soul parts, welcoming them home, assisting them to integrate and attuning you to your harmonious, loving frequency. Please see my website for more details. ($150 USD)
Ancestral Healing Session
Ancestral healing sessions are an opportunity to connect in ceremonial heart space with Spirit to connect with the ancestor who is most wishing to be acknowledged and cared for in this moment, honoring them and assisting them on their journey to the healthy ancestral realm, offering support and healing to you and your lineage. After the completion of the ceremony we will talk about ways to create an altar for your ancestors and tend to them with offerings for continued loving connection. Please see my website for more details. ($111 USD)
Clearing Session
Clearing sessions are an opportunity to connect in ceremonial heart space. We will be in flow with Spirit and the elements of what is most wanting to be acknowledged, expressed, nurtured and healed in this moment, clearing your energy field and attuning you to your sovereign, loving frequency. We will discuss ways to notice when certain energies are present, ways to create protection going forward and self care practices that would be most supportive. Please see my website for more details. ($111 USD)
Divination Session
Divination sessions are an opportunity to connect in ceremony with Spirit to ask a question and receive clarity, insight, inspiration and new perspectives which creates space for the energy of empowerment, healing and connection to flow in. This beautiful form of divination is expressed through a sacred spread which includes a cloth, stones, symbols, shells and seeds. One question will be focused on per session with great care and from that much information will be shared, offering deep healing and illuminating pathways to greater understanding. Please see my website for more details. ($150 USD)