Spirit + art + music + healing

Xöetza: An Online Spirit Culture Magazine

by Liv Mokai Wheeler


Fifth edition: with fine precision and a massive wing span, the visionaries of the great awakening appear

photo credit: Ashley Livingston

Greetings to you, beautiful soul!

in our fifth edition of Xöetza, i felt called to feature two great visionaries that i know and love dearly.

Both glynnis as well as zohie have blessed this dimension with their spirit-infused, precision-oriented beautiful way that is so honoring of the otherworld as well as the many beings of this one!

with love,

Liv Mokai Wheeler



Fifth edition: with fine precision and a massive wing span, the visionaries of the great awakening appear


with the heart of a lion and the kindness of the fey: An Interview with Glynnis Harris rowe, Natalie Zacharias & Liv wheeler

she who creates dimensions with her vision: LIv wheeler interviews Zohie Castellano



With the Heart of a Lion and the Kindness of the Fey: A Video Interview Conversation with Glynnis Harris Rowe, Natalie Zacharias & Liv Wheeler


Greetings, beautiful soul. We share with you our 4 part video interview series in honor of Glynnis Rowe and the stellar film vision she’s working on, Native Speakers Only. Natalie and I loved our conversation with Glynn. The videos are shorter in length, yet full with spirit! Our apologies for any tech glitches while you’re watching. We were in the middle of a large solar storm during our recording. They felt to me like just right astrological influences for our cosmic converstaion. May this be supportive to your journey…

with love,









Part 4


For more information about Glynnis Harris Rowe: https://glynnis.co.za/


art by: Christy Chudosnik


She Who Creates Dimensions with her Vision:

Liv Wheeler interviews

Zohie Castellano


Zohie Castellano


In the interview below, Liv Wheeler connects with Zohie Castellano.


Liv: Zohie, do you recall a strong dream that lived in your heart as a little girl?

Zohie: My childhood (despite the trauma) was often like a waking dream, thanks to my father. I have many memories of being submerged in nature (forests and oceans) and given the freedom to run wild and free with my own autonomy. As a 3 year old I remember planting trees on our family property and my father telling me to press down the soil. I also remember my mother teaching me how to pick flowers from her garden to create a bouquet. And I would look for faeries in our garden, because I knew they were real.

The dream that has lived inside me since then has been one of revisiting my grandparents house and following the stairs. Like an Alice in Wonderland. I am often visiting a new place that is wholly familiar, yet with different circumstances, but the environment is my safe place. Some new circumstance will reveal a new perspective to me through the winding stairs and the loft that awaits.

I remember 10 or so years ago, I had this dream of moving through dark tunnels/hallways, through every muck and grime, and finding myself ascending a crystal staircase, surrounded by a crystal tower, so far into the skies I had moved, and I kept going upwards.

I also remember a dream where I was like the moon, but the moon turned into a shooting star and I saw the pattern of my life unfold as it exploded into the dark sky.

I remember sharing this in ceremony one time: that I dreamt I was flying so high I became afraid, and shrunk, and then a black Pegasus emerged and carried me. This is how I know I have wings. 

Recently, like in the last week or so, I dreamt I found a new space that was my own, a delicate and nurturing space where I could rest, like my grandparents house. I looked out the window, and whales were coming forth from the ocean and beaching themselves of their own accord, and spirit told me this is the strength of the pull of my heart. That the strength of the pull will draw these animals out from the ocean.

So I guess the dream that has been in my heart since a little girl is an ongoing one of gravity. I remember as a child I would sit up late a night staring into a candle flame. I am always looking for a sense of home. I felt during my divination training that magnetics is concerned with this anchoring. So we are in a room, but the ocean beckons the state of my existence.

Kontomblé told me, I am the daughter of the rain, and I bring blessings.

My childhood dream is realising these blessings are fulfilled.

Liv: Wow, Zohie... Thank you so much for sharing these precious dreams and visions. Each dream seems to be a doorway into hidden realms of potential. I'm really drawn to the crystal staircase. The kontomblé have been sharing so much about the ascending staircases in the past year especially. Where do you find yourself in the dream now, the kontomblé ask me to ask you?

Zohie: I am in the process of leaving the darkness behind for good. I see this as a butterfly about to emerge from the cocoon. Like I am about to step on the first step of the crystal staircase and formally leave behind this old world and let my wings lift me. 

Liv: That feels so inspiring! Your wings, I experience as intricate and full with beauty and goodness.

The kontomblé remind me during each ceremony to honor the winged ones. Each time we honor the winged ones I sense you there somehow, multidimensionally, too. Since we've journeyed together in this lifetime I've noticed your wings growing stronger and vaster and with more unique, great mythological ones taking flight with you. Upwards, upwards, towards the sun of infinity. The sun that never burns. We honor your great wingspan as well as your immensity of heart and care. What's the vision currently that's flying you, Zohie, that you feel called to share about?

Zohie: Thank you dearest Liv for that beautiful reflection- I’m so honoured to hear this from you and I feel blessed to be felt during ceremony this way. My wings are indeed growing. I can feel my whole body changing at the moment, as I shed a whole skin.

The vision that’s currently flying me is the horizon line of ocean and sky. I have been moving between stepping stones over the ocean towards the horizon for some years now. At first I was jumping because the stones were closer together, then I had to leap higher, like I am practicing flying, and then I rest on a stone awhile, like I’m on a lily pad, regaining my strength. I am now about to leap into the air and let my wings catch me, for the next stepping stone is beyond my sight, but I trust it is there. 

Liv: How wonder full, Zohie! The kontomblé and I send love and support towards your great leap!


About Zohie…

Zohie Castellano is an awarded writer, director, and designer from Australia. She holds a BA of Production from The University of Melbourne (VCA) 2009 and is currently undertaking a Master of Arts (Writing and Literature) at Deakin University.

Zohie has always gravitated towards projects that feature unconventional forms of collaboration, pushing the boundaries of collective expression and understanding. Her first short film, ORACLE, based on the Slavic myth of Baba Yaga, premiered at Flickerfest in 2018 and showcases her distinct ability to create compelling visual languages; worlds that encompass the everyday while speaking to wider, spiritual dimensions of human experience. The film went on to tour with Flickerfest, screen at the influential women’s only festival, Seven Sisters 2019 and was recently featured in Xöetza an online spiritual culture magazine.

Her film design work has premiered on the international stage at many film festivals including Venice 2011 and Berlin 2014, where she participated in Berlinale Talents, the annual summit and networking platform for outstanding world creatives. She has been nominated for an AACTA award for Best Costume Design 2020 and a Film Critics Circle of Australia award for Best Production Design 2012. She has been invited to conduct a masterclass for Melbourne International Film Festival Accelerator participants and guest lecture at The Victorian College of the Arts for the Masters of Screen Design students.

She takes great influence from Slavic and Baltic Folklore, the intended subject for her creative thesis explored through verse. It was through encounters with Russian literature Zohie discovered her spirituality. Captivated by the insight into personal conscience illuminated through these narratives, it has become a pervading thread of questioning in her work. Zohie explores a feminine perspective to investigate our moral choices; what is that which compels our action? 

Zohie is currently in early pre-production for her next short film MATING RITUAL, whose script was awarded as a semi-finalist in Your Script Produced 2021 screenplay competition. 


To connect with Zohie: https://www.resatelafilms.com/.



we look forward to sharing our next edition of Xöetza: An Online Spirit Culture Magazine soon. IN THE MEANTIME, WE SEND LOVE TO YOU!