Earth’s Amulet
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Christy Chudosnik, 2022



Tending of Spirit | An excerpt of the short film with Liv Mokai Wheeler & Kontomblé by Nicole Turner


 “There is a planetary nature to Liv’s medicine. The quality and the uniqueness of what she brings takes it out of the standard practices of medicine as we know it. The light that she is bringing into this world is a universal light in which the power of the feminine is fully served and upheld as the kind of touch of healing that is missing in this world.”

Elder Malidoma Patrice Somé

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“A monumental shift has occurred in the aether. A new world has been born.  

People are sensing this and experiencing this as The Great Awakening. Which it is. It requires us to do our parts to integrate this energy in the physical dimension. Kontomblé illustrates in these now-times, Spirit is not on the periphery. Spirit is now centrally located. Tended to by priestesses, particularly, aligned with the Great Mother, Mother Earth. 

This is the rise of the feminine aligned with Spirit, working in harmony with life.” 

Liv Wheeler is an initiated Kontomblé Voice Diviner, ritual facilitator, and multidimensional spiritual teacher.